Minor Storytelling through Analytics

Through this minor, you will learn to retrieve, clean and use data to your advantage with data-driven tools that will help you in all of your business quandaries.

Structure of the Minor: Module by Module

Module 01


The era of data revolution: what is it and what to do with it

Mentored activity

Introductory practice with Knime

Module 02


Telling stories with data & visualitzation

Mentored activity

Visualization lab with PowerBI

Module 03


From data to knowledge

Mentored activity

Cleaning & exploratory analysis exercise with selected dataset

Module 04


Modelling relations & data biases to be avoided

Mentored activity

Modelling lab


Every week

3 hours of recorded sessions

2 hours of live sessions

1 challenge to develop


Guillermo Álvarez

Data Engineer at MaaS Global Ltd