Digital Product Management Online Master

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

Robin Wininger, professor of the Digital Product Management Master

The digital products market is having success in the digital environment because of technological advances. Is for this reason, that the role of the Product Manager is increasingly relevant in companies for his importance to do the correct development of any product or line of business of the company.

The importance of the profile of Product Manager

The role of product manager is essential to improve the quality of the business and boost sales. Digital Product Manager encompasses many tasks, but the main one, is to oversee the entire life cycle of a product. Specifically to define the scope, build the technology, acquire customers and create a customer experience. He is responsible for choosing the right strategy to achieve product’s success, giving continuous value on it.

The product sucessful developing requires a wide knowleadge to be able to face the challenges. For this reason, as Robin said, with the Digital Product Management Master you will learn the best techniques, skills and tools needed to create a successful digital product. The academic content that you will learn is how to increase the value of your product or services and how to engage customers through the use of tools, such as the SCRUM methodology, the user tests, prototyping, do A / B tests, KPI definition, among others. Also, the group of professionals will teach all the techniques and methodologies that they use nowadays in their own companies. That is to say, that you will learn how to manage a digital product in everyday life.

If you want to improve your professional profile and have succeed as a Digital Product Manager, find out about the Digital Product Management Online Master